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Pokhrel B, Parajuli S, Khatiwada S, Adhikari C. Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services in Kihun Village Development Committee of Tanahun District of Nepal. bjhs [Internet]. 31Mar.2017 [cited 20May2019];1(1):56-0. Available from:



Nepal had a significant improvement to reduce the maternal mortality ratio. Still, maternal deaths are common in rural areas. The proper utilization of maternal health care services is important to reduce maternal death in Nepal.


This study was conducted to know current maternal health care service utilization at Kihun Village Development Committee (VDC) of Tanahu District.


A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from 1 Nov 2014 to 30 Dec 2014 among 570 households of Kihun VDC. The pretested semi-strutured questionnaire was used to collect the required information. The obtained data were entered into Microsoft excel analyzed.


The majority (65%) of the family was nuclear. Majority (90.90%) had Hindu as a common religion. The major occupation was agriculture (68.95%). Age of marriage before 18 years was 44.70% and pregnancy below 18 years was 25.5%. The knowledge of antenatal care (ANC) checkup was reported from 96.3% but only 93.20 % went for ANC checkup. Almost 41% had 4 times ANC visit as suggested by world health organization (WHO). Majority (69.40% ) had home delivery and 56.8% of them, family members were involved to conduct such delivery. Though 31.20% were aware about postnatal care (PNC) visit but only 22% had visited for PNC.


The ANC and PNC care practices were not up to the mark. For the improvement of maternal health, we need to improve maternal health care service utilization.


ANC visit, delivery, PNC visits, service utilization


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