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Module 23: Reproductive Health

Maternal and child health

Safe motherhood

The magnitude of the problem

Maternal morbidity and mortality

Under 5-year child morbidity and mortality

Breast feeding and weaning

Family planning methods


The most common side effect of IUD insertion is

  1.     Bleeding
  2.     Pain
  3.     Pelvic infection
  4.     Ectopic pregnancy


Following vasectomy for family planning. Patients should be advised to use some other method of contraception, till.

  1.  Removal of all sutures
  2. Pain completely subside
  3. Two weeks
  4. Eight weeks

Which of the following is not included in ‘5 cleans’ in conduct of delivery?

  1.       Clean hands
  2.        Clean perineum
  3.       Clean cutting and care of the cord
  4.        Clean surface for delivery

Additional daily energy requirement of Lactating mother during the first six months is 

  1.   300 K calories
  2.  400 K calories
  3.  500 K calories
  4. 600 K calories





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