Module 1: Human and Medicine
Lesson 1: Medicine in antiquity [Click Here]
Lesson 2: Dawn of scientific medicine [Click Here]
Lesson 3: Modern medicine [Click Here]
Lesson 4: Medical revolution
Lesson 5: Socio-cultural aspects of health in Nepal [Click Here]
Lesson 6: Eugenics
Lesson 7: Alternative medicine [Click Here]
Lesson 8: Medical ethics [Click Here]
All are the branches of alternative medicine EXCEPT:
Small pox vaccine was developed by:
The system of medicine which practiced barefoot doctors is:
The science of using controlled, selective breeding to improve the hereditary qualities of the human race is called:
Alternative medical systems that have developed in western culture include:
The pioneer in the concept of specific protection with immunization was:
The germ theory of disease is propounded by:
James lind is known for:
The term vaccination was coined by:
The link between cholera and contaminated water was found by:
Prevention of scurvy using citrus fruits was discovered by:
Edward Jenner died in:
Malaria parasite was discovered by:
Transmission of malaria by anopheline mosquitoes was discovered by:
Small pox vaccine was invented by:
James lind is related to the discovery of:
Father of modern surgery is:
Father of Evidence Based Medicine is:
Father of Indian medicine is:
Barometer of social welfare is:
First true epidemiologist is:
Father of Public Health is:
Among the 17 SDGs, the goal directly related to health is:
The "dark age of medicine" period refers to:
Eugenics refers all except:
1. Define eugenics.