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Ghimire H, Parajuli P, KC H, Parajuli S. Diabetes Awareness Among Patient’s Attendant Visiting in Teaching Hospital of Eastern Nepal. bjhs [Internet]. 2Nov.2017 [cited 18May2019];2(2):211-4. Available from:
Diabetes is a prevalent non-communicable disease. It has an increasing global trend. In Nepal, the prevalence of diabetes is also increasing. Awareness is vital to prevent and early diagnosis of diabetes.
The objective of the study was to assess the awareness of diabetes and its related factors.
This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study. Total of 503 patient's attendant visiting teaching hospital of eastern Nepal from 1 September to 30 October 2016 were enrolled by using convenient sampling methods. Informed voluntary consent was obtained from each participant prior to data collection The collected data was entered into Microso excel and analyzed by the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).
Among 503 participants, six out of 10 said that diabetes has complications related to kidney, heart, and eyes. Seven out of 10 said diabetic should go for a regular check-up of kidney, heart, and eyes. Similar findings were reported on diabetic having higher chances of developing hypertension or dyslipidemia. Literate participants had more awareness of diabetes and its associated factors than illiterate participants (p<0.001). There was no significant association found on diabetes and its factors awareness with gender in all components except female participants were more aware of diabetes-related complications than male.
Literate participants were aware of diabetes complications and their associated factors. However, participants were less aware of behavior modification.
Awareness, Diabetes Mellitus, Teaching Hospital, Nepal

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