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Indicator  1996 DHS 2001 DHS  2006 DHS  2011 DHS 2016 DHS

Total fertility rate

Total fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-49 expressed per woman

 4.6  4.1  3.1  2.6


Neonatal mortality rate


......   ........ ............   ..........


Infant mortality rate

Probability of dying before the first birthday (in the ten years preceding the survey [five years for Total]) per 1,000 live births

 78  64  48  46


Under-five mortality rate

Probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the ten years preceding the survey [five years for Total]) per 1,000 live births

 118  91  61  54  39

Received all 8 basic vaccinations

Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received all 8 basic vaccinations

 43.3  65.6  82.8  87  77.8



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