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Module 29: Disaster Management

  • Definitions of Calamity
  • Disaster- natural and man-made
  • Concepts of Hazard and Vulnerability
  • Disaster Cycle
  • Planning for Disaster management
  • Disaster management committee: constituents, line of command etc.
  • Relief measures: when and what to ask for?
  • Concept of Triage
  • Practical play in a disaster situation
  • Simulated exercise on patient triage
  • Most commonly reported disease in post disaster period is

    1.       Acute respiratory infections
    2.     Gastroenteritis
    3.       Tetanus
    4.     Malaria

    During a disaster, rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of likelihood of their survival with prompt medical intervention is a part of

    1.       Search, rescue, and first aid
    2.     Triage
    3.       Tagging
    4.     Disaster mitigation


    Define disaster. List the different parts of the disaster cycle with a well-labeled diagram. (2+3=5)

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