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Module 17: Communicable Diseases

Respiratory diseases

TB [Click here]

Influenza [Click Here]

SARS [Click Here]

Vector-borne diseases

Malaria [Click Here]

Filariasis [Click here]

Dengue [Click here]

Leishmaniasis [Click Here]

Intestinal infection

Acute Diarrheal Diseases

Viral Hepatitis [Click Here]

Typhoid fever [Click here]

Cholera [Click Here]


Rabies[Click here]

Japanese Encephalitis [Click Here]

Chikungunya [Click here]

Yellow Fever [Click here]

Plague [ Click here]

Leptospirosis [Click here]

Surface infections

STDs [Click Here]

HIV/AIDS  [Click Here]

Leprosy [ Click here]

Emerging and re-emerging diseases [Click Here]

Hospital-acquired infections [Click Here]



The determinant not used in micro stratification of malaria is:

  1. Disease burden

  2. Annual Parasite Index

  3. Receptivity

  4. Vulnerability

b. Annual Parasite Index


 Malignant tertian malaria is caused by:

  1. Plasmodium falciparum

  2. Plasmodium vivax

  3. Plasmodium malaria

  4. Plasmodium ovale

 a. Plasmodium falciparum




The best way to prevent dengue is:

  1. Wearing face masks
  2. Clearing stagnant water
  3. No physical contact with other people
  4. Covering mouth when cough or sneeze

First case of SARS was reported from:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Nepal
  3. China 
  4. India

The most common site of Filariasis is:

  1. Lymphatic vessels
  2. Skin
  3. Bones
  4. Brain

First person to discover Leptospirosis as a disease of sewer is:

  1. John Snow
  2. Landouzy
  3. Robert Koch
  4. Louis Pasteur

In Nepal, Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccine is preferably given at:

  1. Deltoid
  2. Anteromedial part of thigh
  3. Anterolateral part of right thigh
  4. Anterolateral part of left thigh

A young pregnant woman presents with fulminant hepatic failure. The most likely etiological agent is:

  1. Hepatitis A Virus
  2. Hepatitis B virus
  3. Hepatitis C Virus
  4. Hepatitis E Virus

The animal carried the Black Death and transferred it to humans is:

  1. Fleas
  2. Birds
  3. Dogs
  4. Sand Fly

The antigen detected in Kala-azar is:

  1. rk11
  2. rk29
  3. rk39
  4. rk49


Explain the clinical stages of Malaria. Discuss the prevention and control of Pulmonary Tuberculosis based on the natural history of disease.


What are the preventive methods of Rheumatic Heart disease? List the social determinants of Kala-azar transmission in Nepal.


Explain the frequency, distribution, and determinants of Leprosy in Nepal. What is fixed and street Virus?



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