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Module 15: Behavioral science 

Medical Sociology, Psychology, and Anthropology [Click Here]'

Cultural Factors and Its role in Influencing Health [Click Here]


Factors affecting behavior attitude

Attitudes, nature, development

Cognitive development

Puberty and adolescence

Behavior problem

Sexual behavior [Click Here]

Normal and abnormal behaviors

Implications of behavior in illness

Methods to change attitude-behavior

Measurement of attitudes

Questionnaire/pre-testing and validation of a questionnaire/ interview schedule

The need for counseling in various situations (e.g. HIV/AIDS affected person)

Proper approach and attitude of the counselor

Communication skills required of a counselor


The application of psychological principles to the practice of medicine for both physical and mental disorder belongs to

  1.     Sociology
  2.     Psychology
  3.     Medical Sociology
  4.     Medical Psychology


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