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Module 9: Environmental Health-II 

Lesson 1: Air pollution source, effects, control, greenhouse effect, ozone layer [Click Here] [Click Here]

Lesson 2: Energy conservation: alternate source of energy

Lesson 3: Noise pollution: sources, effect and control

Lesson 4: Ventilation

Lesson 5: Lighting

Lesson 6: Radiation hazards

Lesson 7: Hospital waste management [Click Here]

Lesson 8: Urban health

Lesson 9: Global warming

Lesson 10: Meteorology of medical relevance

Lesson 11, 12, 13: Entomology- Mosquito, Housefly, Lice, Ticks, Fleas, Sand-fly, Reduviid bugs

Lesson 14: Rodents and their control


The best indicator of the level of air pollution is 

  1. H2 
  2. CO2 
  3. N2 
  4. SO2

Soiling index is a measure of 

  1. Soil pollution 
  2. Water pollution 
  3. Noise pollution 
  4. Air pollution



Which one of the following is correct regarding daily the upper limit of noise without substantial damage to hearing?

  1. 70 dB
  2. 75 dB
  3. 85 dB
  4. 100 dB

The daylight system through the window is the type of ………...sources of lightning.

  1. Natural 
  2. Artificial
  3. Manmade
  4. Modern

 The source of water and the possible source of contamination should be not less than:

  1. 10 feet
  2. 20 feet
  3. 40 feet
  4. 50 feet

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