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Module 6: Biostatistics-I

Lesson 1: Need of biostatistics in medicine, Statistical method

Lesson 2: Frequency distribution

Lesson 3: Measure of central tendency

Lesson 4: Proportions

Lesson 5: Presentation of statistical data

Lesson 6: Tables: simple and frequency distribution tables

Lesson 7: Charts and diagram: bar, histogram, frequency polygon, line diagram, pie-chart, pictogram


These all explore the need for Biostatistics except:

  1. Assessment 
  2. Identification of Risk factor and outcome
  3. Evaluate health care program
  4. Lab verification

What frequency table presents?

  1. It presents the variable value and its corresponding frequencies
  2. It presents the variable with its frequencies
  3. It presents the numerical value of a variable
  4. It presents a category of the data


Define biostatistics. Explain different sources of epidemiological data.[2+3=5]



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