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Module 5: Environment Health-I

Lesson 1: Environment-physical environment inside and outside the home

Lesson 2: Water-safe water, potable water [Click Here]

Lesson 3: Purification of water at the household and community levels

Lesson 4: Waste disposal- the necessity of waste disposal and General principles of waste disposal [Click Here]

Lesson 5: Excreta disposal-necessity of excreta disposal, General principles of excreta disposal 

Lesson 6: Family environment and principles of good housing


Purest water in nature is 

  1. River water 
  2. Rain water 
  3. Deep well 
  4. Impounding reservoirs

The optimum floor space recommended per adult person in a dwelling place is 

  1. 50 - 100 sq.ft. 
  2. 101 - 450 sq. ft. 
  3. 151 - 200 sq.ft. 
  4. 201 - 250 sq.ft.

Purification of water on a large scale includes except

  1. Storage
  2. Disinfection
  3. Filtration
  4. Boiling

House waste-water which does not contain human excreta is known as:

  1. Humus
  2. Sewage
  3. Sludge
  4. Sullage


Why adequate lightning is required for good housing? Mention different methods of Solid Waste Disposal Methods.



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