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Module 2: Concept of Health and Disease



Lesson 1: Definition of health and well-being

Lesson 2: Dimension and determinants of health

Lesson 3: Epidemiological triad

Lesson 4: Theories of disease causation

Lesson 5: Natural history of the disease [Click Here]

Lesson 6: Risk factor concept

Lesson 7: Concept of control of disease

Lesson 8: Levels of prevention

Lesson 9: Modes of intervention

Lesson 10: Primary health care [Click Here] [Click Here]

Lesson 11: Goals/targets set to achieve "Health for All"

Lesson 12: Critical review of HFA 2000

Lesson 13: Revitalizing primary health care

Lesson 14: MDGs in the context of Nepal [Click Here[Click Here]




 Web of disease causation model was suggested by:

  1.     Louis Pasteur

  2.     MacMahon and Pugh

  3.     Pettenkofer

  4.     Francis Galton


The epidemiologic triad of disease causation refers to:

  1.   Agent, host, environment

  2.   Time, place, person

  3.   Source, mode of transmission, susceptible host

  4.   Time, place, environment


The ministry directly involves in the health at the province level is:

  1. Minister for Social Development 

  2. Minister for Internal Affairs and Law 

  3. Minister for Economic Affairs and Planning 

  4. Minister for Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment


Screening of the diseases belongs to 

  1. Primordial Prevention

  2. Primary Prevention

  3. Secondary Prevention

  4. Tertiary Prevention


COVID 19 was first seen in

  1. Nepal
  2. India
  3. USA
  4. China

Which is a non-modifiable risk factor of a non-communicable disease?

  1. Physical inactivity
  2. Tobacco use
  3. Age
  4. Unhealthy diets

 Kuppuswamy scale considers all except

  1. Education
  2. Income
  3. Housing
  4. Occupation

All are indicators of mortality except

  1.      Case fatality rate

  2.     Life expectancy

  3.      Duration of sickness

  4.     Standardized death rate






 Define Source of infection and Reservoir. Briefly describe the types of the reservoir with an example. (2+3=5)



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