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 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Kathmandu University-Birat Medical College & Teaching Hospital


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Spot 1 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

In diarrhoeal diseases, ORS and Zinc prescribed for its treatment.

a. What is the composition of ORS? 

b. Why Zinc is given along with ORS?

c. What is the dose of Zinc?


 Spot 2 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

a. What is the daily requirement of Iodine for Male, Female, and Pregnant Women?

b. Write the function of Iodine. 

c. What are the clinical features of Iodine deficiency? 


Spot 3 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

a. Write the source of Vitamin A? 

b. What is preformed and pro-vitamin? 

c. What is Exophthalmia? 


Spot 4 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

a. Define Protein-Energy Malnutrition.

b. List the source of protein.

c. List the differences between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus.


Spot 5 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

a. What are the sources of Iron?

b. What are the common causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Nepal?

c. What are the most common nutritional deficiency disorders in Nepal?


Spot 6 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

a. What is balance Diet?

b.How do you classify food?

c. What are the Micronutrients and Macronutrients?


Spot 7 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli


a. Identify the diagram.

b. Define the feedback.

c. Write the characteristics of the message.


Spot 8 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

Image result for sand fly

a. Identify this vector.

b. What are the diseases associated with this vector?

c. What are the measures for prevention of this vector?


Spot 9 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

a. What is the type of the given vaccine? 
b. What are the components of the given vaccine? 
c. Write down its route of administration, amount, and dosage schedule.


Spot 10 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli


a. What are the uses of this drug?

b. Write down the dosage of this drug for roundworm infestation?

c. What is ODFA?


Spot 11 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

Image result for bathroom scale

a. Identify the given instrument. 

b. What is its use? 

c. Calculate your own BMI and give your interpretation.


Spot 12 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

a. Write down the name of this scientist. 

b. Mention his major contribution. 

c. Write down the full form of DOTS. 


 Spot 13  Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

Image result for john snow

a. Write down the name of this scientist. 

b. What was the major contribution of this scientist? 

c. Who is known as Father of Public Health?


Spot 14 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

Image result for who logo

a. Identify the name of the organization from the given Logo. 

b. When was this organization established? 

c. When World Health Day is celebrated? 

d. Write down the theme of World Health Day of the current year. 

e. Write the major works of this organization. 


Spot 15 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli


a. Identify the given spot with reasons. 

b. What are the diseases transmitted by this?

c. List all possible control measures.


Spot 16 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli


a. Identify the given flow diagram.

b. List the mode of intervention for TB in reference to this diagram.

c. What is the Public Health importance of this flow diagram?


Spot 17 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli

 Image result for pie chart

 a. Identify the given diagram.

b. Write down the formula to calculate Mean and Standard Deviation.

c. Calculate Mode from the given value: 2,9,2,7,7,2,5,1,10,17,19,2,15  


Spot 18 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli


a. What is the name of this diagram? 

b. Relate this diagram in terms of measles?

c. What is the public health importance of this diagram? 


 Spot 19 Community Medicine Spotters Made Easy By Dr. Surya B. Parajuli



a. Identify the Diagram.

b. List the responsibilities of Individual, Family, and Community in Health.

c. Write down the effects of Cultural Factors in Health.                  



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