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At Birth or in first contact within 1st year of life/BCG/ID/Right upper arm/0.05 ml until 1 month then 0.1 ml thereafter/Live attenuated


6 weeks/Rota (1st Dose)/Oral /touch the buccal mucosa/live vaccine

6 weeks/Oral Polio (1st dose)/Oral/2 drops/live vaccine

6 weeks/FIPV (1st dose)/ID/Left upper arm/0.1 ml/killed/salk vaccine

6 weeks/PCV (1st dose)/IM/Right anterolateral aspect of mid thigh/0.5ml/cellular fraction/DT-toxoid, Pertusis-killed, Hep B & Hib Cellular fraction/killed

6 weeks/DPT-Hep B-Hib (1st dose)/IM/left anterolateral aspect of mid thigh/0.5ml


10 weeks/Rota (2nd Dose)Oral /touch the buccal mucosa

10 weeks/Oral polio (2nd Dose)/Oral/2 drops/live vaccine

10 weeks/PCV (2nd Dose)IM/Right anterolateral aspect of mid thigh/0.5ml

10 weeks/DPT-Hep B-Hib (2nd Dose)IM/left anterolateral aspect of mid thigh/0.5ml


14 weeks/Oral Polio (3rd Dose)Oral/2 drops

14 weeks/FIPV (2nd Dose)/ID/Left upper arm/..........

14 weeks/DPT-Hep B-Hib (3rd Dose)IM/left anterolateral aspect of mid thigh/0.5ml


9 months/PCV (3rd Dose)IM/Right anterolateral aspect of mid thigh/0.5ml

9 months/MR (1st Dose)/SC/Left upper arm/0.5ml/live


12 months/JE/SC/Right upper thigh/0.5ml/killed


15 months/MR (2nd Dose)/SC/Left upper arm/0.5ml



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