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  1. Epidemiological triad
  2. Smallpox
  3. Chicken pox
  4. Measles
  5. Rubella
  6. Mumps
  7. Diphtheria
  8. Roundworm
  9. Hookworm
  10. Aedes
  11. Taeniasis life cycle
  12. Sand fly
  13. Rat
  14. Minilap
  15. Vasectomy
  16. Slow and rapid sand filter
  17. Sanitary and insanitary well
  18. Protected and closed well
  19. Piyush
  20. Chlorine Tablet
  21. Compost pit
  22. Incinerator
  23.  Water treatment plant
  24. Bore hole latrine
  25. Dug well latrine
  26. Septic tank 
  27. Water closed latrine
  28. Western type latrine
  29.  Housing Models
  30.  Horrock’s apparatus
  31.  Down’s syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome
  32.  Diabetic foot
  33.  WHO/NCHS/CDC growth chart
  34.  Snake preserved in formalin
  35.  Balanced diet food pyramid (wooden model)

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